The shabby girls have been creating some christmas cards for two raks.
Here are some pics of them with some scrap goodies Julie put together.
There are a few more cards still on the way so if you are one of the lucky winners you will have a surprise or two.

Just what do you need to do to be in the running. Post a comment
here telling us your favorite christmas memory and make sure you are following the shabby blog and we will do a random draw on the 18th Nov.
I have a lot of favorite Christmas memories.
When I was a little girl and we where decorated our tree I always love the smell of the tree. And now every year I smell the tree I get the warm feeling of the good old days:)

This Award passed onto me by
Thanks girl:)
Here are the rules of this award
1. You can only use ONE word!!! 2. Pass this along to 5 of your favorite bloggers! 3. Alert them that you have given them this award! 4. HAVE FUN!!!
1. Where is your cell phone? DESK
2. Your hair? PONYTAIL
3. Your mother? HOSPITAL
4. Your father? AWAY
5. Your fave food? CHOCOLATE
6. Your dream last night? FORGOTTEN
7. Your fave drink? COFFEE
8. Your dream/goal? HAPPINESS
9. What room are you in? LIVINGROOM
10. Your hobby? SCRAPBOOKING
11. Your fear? DISEASES
12. Where do you want to be in 6 years? HERE
13. Where you were last night? BED
14. Something that you aren't? THIN
15. Muffins? AIRPORT
16. Wish List Item? HEALTH
17. Where did you grow up? UTRECHT
18. Last thing you did? DISHWASHING
19. What are you wearing? PJ'S
20. Your TV? OF
21. Your Pets? SLEEPING
22. Friends? IMPORTANT
23. Your Life? BLOSSOMING
24. Your Mood? TIRED
25. Missing Someone? YES
26. Vehicle? SAAB
27. Something your not wearing? GLASSES
28. Your fave store? SCRAPSHOPS
29. Your fave colour? PINK
30. Last time you laughed? YESTERDAY
31. Last time you cried? LASTWEEK
32. Your best friend? SMILE
33. One place that I go to over and over? SCRAPSHOPS
34. One person who emails regularly? MOM
35. Fave place to eat? HOME
My chosen 5 bloggers are the super talented:
My mom is in the hospital. She has a lung disease.
Tomorrow she have surgery. We are anxious because there are a lot of risks.
So last weekend we spent time together with the family at a holiday resort.
We had a lovely time with the family. I really enjoyed all the meals together and we spent a lot of time in the swimming-pool. Just playing and relaxing. And we made some walks in the wood. I'm really thankful for this weekend! And so proud of my mom!
Here some pictures
A beautiful fall picture

Annemijn with here new armbands and mask playing with Dribbel, moms dog.

At breakfast mom and Annemijn

At the swimming-pool Jordi and Annemijn

Hubby and Annemijn

More fall pictures

Take care mom, be stong! Love you!!