Monday... always a busy day. Worked from 9 till 6. Dear hubby had prepared dinner:))) After the kids went to bed I wanted to do some scrapwork. But first I had to check my mail, looked at SIS and wanted to write something here. So time went by and now it is to late to get start with a layout.
So I upload some older work.
Here are some of my favorite layouts.

I still need some votes... I'm nominated for the Dutch ScrapAward "Scrapper of the year 2008".
So if you like my work you can vote here: only thing you have to fill in is your name, e-mail adress and your country. Than select my name: "Chimene Vink" and press the "Stem nu" button.
When you vote you can win some cool prices. You can vote as much times as you want.
Thank you so much:):)
xxxx Chimene